About Amy Elaine Martinez
INVITE Amy Elaine to Speak At Your Next Event...Here's her BIO
Amy Elaine Martinez is an inspirational speaker, former radio show host, and gifted teacher. In fact, she sits “smack dab in the middle of her sweet spot” serving as a teacher of her favorite book, the Bible. Her ministry is devoted to helping women with heart-shattered lives become whole again in Christ.
Amy Elaine's Radio Show, Real Victory Radio Launched July 7, 2018. After a year, she invited LaTan Roland Murphy to join her as a cohost. In 2021, the show rebranded for a short time as Past TO Power Radio & Podcast. Now, she's back with an all-new podcast, The Grace Frontier, which launched on 3.1.23.
After a major move in 2021...she was on an accidental, but necessary sabbatical. Leaving behind the beloved mountains of Colorado to play on the plains of Oklahoma, not far from where she grew up, it was necessary to SLOW DOWN and STEP AWAY for a season. But now she's back!
Amy Elaine Ministries launched Real Victory Radio on July 7, 2018 where she brought God's Word to the radio waves while chatting it up about how to Go Courageously & Live Victoriously! The show went quiet in May of 2021, but you can still access all the previous episodes when you listen into Amy Elaine's all-new podcast, THE GRACE FRONTIER.
Amy Elaine is devoted to helping heart-shattered lives become whole again in Christ.
She's a Victory Girl at heart who loves leading women to experience breakthrough & find freedom through an intimate relationship with Jesus. She's an Okie who loves pecan pie, fried okra, & exploring the plains off historic Route 66 where she lives in a tiny barn with the love of her life, David, and an Aussie named Maverick, who stole her heart after their two boys left to adventure out on their own.
Married for almost 30 years, Amy Elaine is mom to Sidney (28), daughter-in-love, Riley, and Gabriel (25). Recently, their family grew with the blessing of a granddaughter, Raelynn Rose Elaine Martinez. So now she's a YiaYia too!
More about Amy Elaine
Amy Elaine is a graduate of Oklahoma Baptist University with a BA in Sociology and a minor in Psychology. Originally from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, she moved to Colorado to marry her husband, David. After spending the last 27 years in Castle Rock, Colorado, they made the way back to Oklahoma.
Over the past two decades, she's been active in various women's ministries. Without a doubt, one of her favorite jobs ever was serving on staff at two Colorado churches. The gift of hospitality runs deep within her; Amy Elaine loves to plan and lead retreats where women can get away with God to be refreshed, renewed, and restored.

A Teacher at Heart
While homeschooling her son, Amy Elaine discovered her true calling: to become a teacher of God's Word to the women in her life. Most days, you can find her writing at a coffee shop or ministering across the table to a friend. Currently, she’s writing her second book and also blogs right here at AmyElaine.com on a regular basis.
The Heart Behind Our Ministry
All things considered, Amy Elaine is just a Jesus-loving girl who wants to encourage others to live victoriously. When asked about the heart behind her ministry...
She says this about her ministry
“I'd love for you to join me on this journey of being made whole again in Christ. Sweet friend, I'm not gonna lie. It's a process; it does not happen overnight. While, it's definitely a journey, it's also an adventure. Honestly, I'm still a work in progress. Walking in wholeness and living in victory are easier when you've got someone walking by your side. That's exactly why I created Amy Elaine Ministries. And, I'm excited to share God's love with others. It would be an honor to speak at your next women's event, MOPS event, retreat, or luncheon.”
Want Amy Elaine to Speak at your event?
Head over to the contact page to inquire about having Amy Elaine for your next event.