The Grace Frontier
The Grace Frontier
with amy elaine
We're excited to launch our brand new podcast, The Grace Frontier with Amy Elaine Martinez. Grace paves the way. Victory is your destiny. Each week Amy Elaine will be introducing a Defining Moment to help you take the next step to discovering your God-given destiny.
Grace upon grace is found as we journey with Jesus on The Grace Frontier. Saddle up your horses, it's gonna be a wild ride; a great adventure awaits you.

More about the podcast
The Wilderness can be a lonely place, but when we Journey with Jesus, we'll find WONDERS along the way. In these short podcasts, Amy Elaine will help you encounter God through a quick Bible teaching that points you to your True North, Jesus. X marks the spot where grace collides with our everyday circumstances creating God-moments we can experience the greater things we're made for in John 14:12. Jesus said, "I tell you this timeless truth: The person who follows me in faith, believing in me, will do the same mighty miracles that I do–even greater miracles than these because I go to be with my Father." (TPT)
Now is the time for God's daughters (and sons) to let grace pave the way to the victorious life Jesus died to give us. As you listen in each week, you will learn to see yourself as a Trail Blazer, Atmosphere Changer, and Pioneer on The Grace Frontier. "Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything–every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do." 2 Corinthians 9:8 (TPT)
Girl, you're not lost. Because X marks the spot where grace finds you and me. What if the wilderness isn't a wasteland like the enemy wants you to believe, but exactly where God want us to be right now?
Freedom is found on The Grace Frontier. Saddle up your horses, it's gonna be a wild ride; the adventure of a lifetime is one step away. Grace upon grace is found as we journey with Jesus though the wilderness.
It's time to get out of your comfort zone and onto The Grace Frontier with Amy Elaine.

About your Host Amy Elaine
Amy Elaine Martinez is devoted to helping heart-shattered lives become whole again in Christ. She's a self-proclaimed Grace Slinger and a Victory Girl at heart who loves leading women to experience freedom and breakthrough through an intimate relationship with Jesus. She's an Okie who loves fried okra and exploring the plains off historic Route 66 where she lives in a tiny barn with the love of her life, David, and an Aussie named Maverick, who stole her heart after their boys left to adventure out on their own. Amy Elaine prefers cowboy boots & flip-flops, if she's wearing shoes at all.
She's a Bible teacher, former radio host, & Word junkie who loves Jesus wildly. Amy Elaine's Blog, A Broken Girl Made Whole, Inspires women to walk in wholeness & live in victory through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Listen to the Latest Episode
Listen to the Podcast
EP#13 Truth Tellers – Waging War on Worry
EP#12 Storytellers: Finding Your Self Confidence in God
EP#11 Combating the Counterfeit: Destiny Defenders Continued
EP#10 Becoming a Go-Getter and Defending Your Destiny
EP#9 Wilderness Culture 101:Sifting & Soaking
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Just press the "Contact" button for more information.