Do you know the secret love language of God?
Having a hard time hearing God’s voice lately?
With all the busyness and distraction we’ve created for ourselves, it’s no wonder we can’t hear Him speak. I don’t know about you, but when I can’ t hear His voice it feels like the wilderness is ever before me. With no end in sight, I’m usually a hot mess crying out to be rescued. I feel gritty, cranky too. My hope dries up and my thirst sets in. I’m definitely not a fan.
Yet, I wonder, why have we become so disenchanted with the wilderness?
Jesus spent time lots of time there. Why shouldn’t we? In truth, the wilderness holds the mysteries and adventure we long for in our walk with the Lord. What are we so afraid of?
It’s in the wild we get to see the hand of God intimately at work in our lives. Game-changing things happen in the wilderness that simply don’t happen anywhere else. So, why not go willingly?
Whether we’ve been drug out there screaming and whining or just wandered out there by mistake, we never go alone. Even if He doesn’t make a sound, we can find God there.
It’s like playing Hide and Seek with the Creator. And, like any good parent, He always lets Himself be found. Truly, wherever we go, if we will seek Him, He’ll be found. Yes, even in the wilderness.
Often characterized as vast and uninhabited, the dictionary I use aptly describes the wilderness by saying, ‘people don’t live there.’ Perhaps, we might want to visit, but this city-girl certainly doesn’t want to live there. And, as believers, we’re not supposed to. My favorite definition describes the wilderness as ‘the part devoted to wild growth.’
Now, my interest is sparked. Do you know the secret love language of God?
Do you know the secret love language of God?
I want to be devoted to growth! Don’t you?
I want to live wild and free, always learning, and never bored! I’ve heard astounding things, adventurous things, take place in the wilderness. If that’s where the action is, maybe, just maybe, I’m in! Are you ready for a wild journey?
Let’s perk our ears up and tune into what God’s Word says about this adventure.
“Arise, my dearest, my beauty, and come away with Me.”
Song of Songs 2:10
I know I’m not the only one who struggles to hear God’s voice. It’s a common theme among His people. We want to hear, yet we can’t seem to quiet ourselves enough.
[bctt tweet=” Amongst the cacophony of sounds in this busy world, it’s easy to become tired and weary from straining to hear Him speak.” username=””]
Sometimes, I just want to cover my ears and get away from it all. You too?
Thankfully, if I can find the quiet, I find the first faint whispers too. In the quiet, in the presence of the Lord, we will begin to hear Him. He beckons us there to the wild unknown. Still, we rarely want to go.
Stepping back from busyness breaks off something weighty in the spiritual world. In these
breakthrough moments, He speaks most clearly to the depths of our souls. If we are willing to wait it out and press in, we’ll begin to sense His presence.
The psalmist said it perfectly.
I am standing in absolute stillness, silent before the One I love, waiting as long as it takes
for Him to rescue me. Only God is my Savior, and He will not fail me. For He alone is my
Safe Place.
Psalm 62:5-6
As a perpetually in-touch society, the silence we’re so unaccustomed to and often scared to death of is actually God’s love language. Remarkably, Silence is the surprising love language of God. He speaks most profoundly and deeply into our hearts when He says nothing at all. He beckons us to steal away to the unhurried, quiet place.
[bctt tweet=”Our hearts are drawn to Him when, without a word, our spirit hears, Come away with Me, My love.” username=””]
In the wilderness, where there are no distractions, He gets our attention.
It’s there, we learn to lean in a little closer to hear what He’s saying. We become intentional about our pursuit of His voice. Seemingly impossible, rather than shattering our confidence, silence secures us, making us steadfast in our trust.
All the while, we keep dreading the silence, wondering if it’s possibly a punishment. When in reality, He’s watching over us in delight as we draw near. After all, intimacy is what He’s after in our relationship. Time spent with God is never wasted. We will always walk away changed for the better. It’s His nature to continually transform us into His likeness.
[bctt tweet=”His silence draws us into His sanctuary where He strengthens our souls.” username=””]
Quiet, everyone! Shh! Silence before God. Something’s afoot in His holy house. He’s on
the move!
Zechariah 2:13
Silence really is His secret love language.
He longs for us to be still, to wait with Him as He develops in us what we will need for our next season. Making sure whatever comes our way, we’ll stand ready for our victory.
They will not live in fear or dread of what may come, for their hearts are firm, ever secure
in their faith. Steady and strong they will not be afraid, but will calmly face their every foe
until they all go down in defeat.
Psalm 112:7-8
In the silence, we become aware of the sweetness of intimacy. In surrender, we find our
strength. Our wilderness ceases to feel like a prison or punishment, and instead, we experience times of refreshing and renewal.
When we swap our will for His, we learn to hear His voice.
[bctt tweet=”He speaks in a foreign language; this silent love language…spoken without a word.” username=””]
Going A Little Deeper:
Like Jesus, our faith is fortified in the wilderness. Even in the face of our enemy, we can
confidently stand. In fortified faith, we can walk away from our battles unscathed and victorious.
Jesus shows us exactly how to be strong and defeat our enemy in the Garden of Gethsemane.
I’m reminded of just how much Jesus loved us. In a beautiful exchange of surrender, Jesus laid down His will for the Father. In this life, that’s a hard thing to do.
That’s why when Jesus saw His disciples needed refreshing, He knew just what they needed. He knows we need it too. We need to be refreshed to be obedient.
“Let’s go out into the wilderness for a while and rest ourselves.”
Mark 6:31
Frequently and willingly Jesus stole away into the wilderness.
We don’t have to be disenchanted any longer. In the wilderness, in the quiet, there is intimacy. God shows up in the silence.
Be still. Be patient. Expect the Eternal to arrive and set things right.
Psalm 37:7
He speaks in the Silence. He whispers in our waiting.
In those moments of silence where we struggle to hear from the Lord, let’s stop trying to fill in the awkwardness, the uncomfortable space. Let’s stop trying to talk our way through it and listen.
[bctt tweet=”When we settle down and surrender, we’ll find He’s been there all along just waiting to speak to us.” username=””]
The secret I’ve learned through it all:
Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord.
Be brave, courageous, and never lose hope.
Yes, keep on waiting ~ for He will never disappoint you!
Psalm 27:14
Prayer for Hearing the Secret Love Language:
Forgive us, Lord, for being distracted and bowing down to busyness. Give us ears to hear as You beckon us to come away to be with You. Lord, teach us to hear Your voice. Help us to learn the surprising love language of Silence. We want new levels of intimacy with You. Give us the strength to surrender our ways to Yours. And, even when we can’t hear a word You’re saying, remind us You are there. Remind us to get away. Thank You for the quiet places where there’s wonder in the wilderness and sweetness in the silence. Thank You for never leaving or forsaking us. You always walk by our side. You go before us and come behind us. We love You, Lord. Amen.
[bctt tweet=”Lord, thank You for never leaving or forsaking us. You always walk by our side.” username=””]
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Oh Wow! Your statement, “He longs for us to be still, to wait with Him as He develops in us what we will need for our next season. Making sure whatever comes our way, we’ll stand ready for our victory” coupled with Psalm 27:14 and your prayer is what I needed to read this morning. I’ve been waiting for months for the Lord’s direction and have not heard anything definitive. Thank you for writing this post, Amy. I needed this!
You are welcome Cindy! He never disappoints! I’m so glad this met you where you needed it most. Praying for continued clarity and discernment. Thanks for reading today.
We live close to a large state forest and often (in warm weather) my husband and I go up there with our bibles and we both find an area to just sit, read, pray and just listen with no other distractions. “He speaks in the Silence. He whispers in our waiting”…amen! This is such a wonderful article!
Thanks so much Stephanie! What a treat to be so close to walk to a state forest! I bet it is beautiful! I love that your man goes with you too! God’s been talking to me A LOT about distractions. Thank you for reading and commenting today.