Finding Intimacy with God with Guest Dr. Brian Simmons, Lead Translator of The Passion Translation | The Divine Romance- Christ’s Divine Love for His Bride is found in Song of Songs. As we enter into February and think about celebrating LOVE this month, what better time to better understand the love God has for us?
Join me for a SPECIAL EDITION of REAL VICTORY RADIO! We are so excited to have my special guest, Brian Simmons of The Passion Translation back for another interview. We’re taking a deeper look at Song of Songs in the Bible. This book completely transformed my relationship with God. Join us as we talk about the importance of finding intimacy with God, how this particular book helps us in our pursuit of Jesus, and just how much God loves us!
Jesus is coming back for His Bride and we want to be ready! Join us to hear how much God loves us and some powerful insights from His Word. You don’t want to miss this one!
“There is change in the air. Arise, my love, my beautiful companion, and run away with me to the higher place. For now is the time to arise and come away with me.” Song of Songs 2:13 TPT
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About My Guest
Dr. Brian Simmons is a Bible teacher, linguist, minister, and former missionary. As a missionary, he and his wife, Candice, pioneered church plants in Central America. As a linguist, Brian co-translated the Kuna New Testament for the Paya-Kuna people of Panama.
After a dramatic conversion to Christ in 1971, Brian answered a calling from God to leave everything behind, become a missionary, and bring the gospel to unreached tribes. Taking their family of three children to the jungles of Central America, he and his wife pioneered and shepherded church plants among the Kuna people group for many years. While serving as missionaries Brian witnessed firsthand God’s powerful gospel-movement among the nations through spiritual revival. As a linguist, Brian also served as a co-translator for the Kuna New Testament, providing this unreached people group with a copy of God’s Word for the first time.
After their ministry overseas, Brian and Candice returned to North America, where Brian began to passionately work toward helping people encounter the risen Christ and His story of redemption. Brian and Candice birthed numerous ministries, including a dynamic church in Connecticut. They also established Stairway Ministries under which they travel full-time as Bible teachers in service of local churches throughout the world with the gospel. Brian serves as U.S. director for Harvest International Ministries, which oversees a network of nearly 20,000 churches and ministries worldwide.
Brian is the author of numerous books that promote the redemption and reconciliation of the nations through Christ and extension of His kingdom. His best-selling book, The Journey of the Bride, has been translated into Korean and French and has now been reprinted as The Sacred Journey. Other titles include: The Wilderness: Where Miracles are Born, Prayer Partners with Jesus, The Dreamer, The Stairway, The Prophet of Zion, Moses the Deliverer, I Hear His Whisper volumes 1 and 2, and The Image Maker.
Brian and Candice have been married for over forty-five years and have three children, six grandchildren, and two precious great-granddaughters. Their passion is to be loving examples of a spiritual father and mother to our generation.
Learn more about The Passion Translation at

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