Fire Keepers Amy Grant EP 133 Past to Power
Fire Keepers tend the fire at Amy Grant’s ranch and there’s a lot to learn about life on the farm in this episode. Join Amy Elaine and LaTan as we chat with Amy Grant about the art of tending the fire in our own lives.
Are your Tending the Fire?
Ask yourself: What areas of my life need tending? The fire starts in us. When we’ve been a good friend to ourselves, we can love others well. At that point, we can extend an invitation for them to come sit by the fire.
Fire Keepers: 3 Things For the Asking
Find out what the 3 things Amy tells us to ask for when you tend the fire at the farm. And, from there we moved into a beautiful conversation about reconciliation. Then, we moved onto the importance of staying connected, and learning to keep your hands on your your own wheel.
The end game always needs to be reconciliation. ~ Amy Grant, singer songwriter and fire keeper
Ultimately, all are welcome around this fire. So come, grab a cup of coffee, and pull up a chair. We’d love for you to listen in to this episode of Past to Power with Amy Elaine & LaTan.
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Thanks for listening.
Most importantly, your past is power in the hands of a Holy God who loves you. We want to encourage you to Go Courageously and Live Victoriously every single day!
Finally, stay connected with Amy Elaine and LaTan
links to our books: LaTan’s – Courageous Women of the Bible and more
and Amy Elaine’s Becoming a Victory Girl
You can learn more about Amy Grant at
Recent Past to Power Guests:
EP 131 DOG the Bounty Hunter and Francie Frane
EP 130 with Real Talk Kim (Pastor Kimberly Jones)
© Amy Elaine Martinez and, 2016-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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