13 Simple Words Bringing Change to The Kingdom of God
Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness. ~Mother Teresa
Thirteen simple words and I was undone.
My words matter. Your words matter. Our words matter.
Write them. Speak them. Sing them. Pray them.
For this reason… don’t waste your words. If God’s written words on your heart or whispered words in your ear, they matter. In fact, they are meant to be shared. Not only that, they are meant to be spoken.
Above all, make them worthwhile. Make them count. Aim wisely. May sure your words always hit the mark.
Words are powerful; a timely word, a word spoken in due season, can make all the difference. Unfortunately, if you don’t speak your words, no one else will. Why? Because they are your words to speak.
Moreover, words have the power of life and death…to bless or curse…to bring light or increase the darkness. I began my writing journey with one purpose in mind. It’s my heart’s desire to shed some light on God’s Word and share the words He’s written upon my heart. I pray my words will encourage and inspire you to be loved in the Light.
How Our Words Build the Kingdom of God
Recovering from a writer’s conference last week, I was left feeling weary and worn out, wondering if my words mattered.
What I discovered is they do…they matter to my husband, they matter to my children, they matter to those who need encouragement when they feel like they’re in the dark…and most importantly, they matter to God. If I don’t speak the words He’s placed in my heart, they become useless. If I do nothing, I’ve listened in vain; I’ve wasted what’s been entrusted to me.
As a matter of fact, I walked away from She Speaks knowing if I truly want to make a difference for the Kingdom, I need to love my local church and the real-live people who attend there. When we’re more focused on our dream, rather than His, we aren’t focused at all.
In March, I wrote about knowing what’s next in our journey. God was impressing on my heart then, and now, that the next thing He’s got for us to do is often right in front of us. He’s designed it that way because when we take our eyes off of ourselves and love well, we become everything He intended us to be.
As we grow to love those right in front of us, we grow stronger spiritually, becoming who we really are…who He’s made us to be. We need to be asking, “What’s Next Papa?” instead of saying, “I want that now, God!”
Loving Others Matters
Loving our local church is so much more important than the next big thing we want for ourselves. It’s in being selfless and serving others that we’ll find our greatest satisfaction. Even when we don’t get what we want, we’ll find that our heart’s desire has changed.
My monumental moment at the She Speaks 2017 Conference was marked by words that forever hit their mark. God used Whitney Capps to unknowingly pierce my heart with these words:
If you want to change the Kingdom go home and love your church.
With just thirteen words, my vision, my focus, my dreams, my goals were undone. A complete paradigm shift. A change of heart. His way, not mine.
He must increase, I must decrease. John 3:30
The lives of those around me, the people I come in contact with every day, these are the ones my words are meant to touch. This is why I do what I do.
I write. I speak.
It is for His glory, always for His glory.
This is my story. This is my song.
In light of this, I will tell of the wondrous things He has done for me.
For His sake, I will use my words wisely and pray they hit their mark. May they reach out and lift up the soul-weary one in need.
“Indeed, I would go to the deeps a hundred times to cheer a downcast spirit. It is good for me to have been afflicted, that I might know how to speak a word in season to one that is weary.” — Charles Spurgeon
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly. Psalm 31:26
What you say can preserve life or destroy it; so you must accept the consequences of your words. Proverbs 18:21 GNT
PRAYER: Father, may our words be Yours. When we feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit, may we be bold and use our voice to bring a word in due season. With grace and mercy and love may we speak and write, sing, and pray the words you place in our hearts. May we share our story, telling of Your marvelous works. In addition, may our words bring refreshment to the weary soul? Teach us to love our local church and those who belong to the Church. May our words always bring the Light of Christ into a dark and dying world that needs You desperately. Then, may we use our words to build up and encourage others in need and love as well.
© Amy Elaine Martinez and AmyElaine.com, 2016-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and AmyElaine.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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