What can you do when you don’t have the answers?
Are you having the hardest week of your life?
I was.
I thought I had faced hard times before; then, as an unforgettable Friday morning dawned, darkness prevailed.
My sister, Molly, had been in the ICU for the past 6 days. The diagnosis was grim at best. First, they did not know what was wrong, and then, they did. Though we didn’t have all the answers, we had enough to know.
I remember feeling at a loss for words. To be honest, nothing but questions raced through my mind. My heart was broken and raw.
[bctt tweet=”Instead of writing out my feelings, I prayed for a miracle.” username=””]
What can you do when you don’t have the answers?
Perhaps you’re in need of a miracle today. Instead of fretting, instead of letting doubt win the day, pour your heart out to God. He heard my prayers and I know He hears yours too.
Praying for my sister early one morning, I heard the Spirit whisper. His words rang loud and true: Jesus is the only answer.
Crying out in despair, I surrendered my way to His. Though my heart was full of unintelligible words, I finally managed, “Jesus, I’m calling on all You are to be everything she needs.”
He is the Great Physician, Jehovah Rophe, and the Prince of Peace. I needed Him to be all those things and more. Remembering the story of the woman with the issue of blood, I quickly turned to the book of Luke and this scripture caught my eye and spoke hope to my heavy heart.
Oh, how I longed to hear these words.
“Beloved daughter, your faith in Me has released your healing. You may go with My peace.”
Luke 8:48 TPT
To be made whole again, to experience God’s healing touch, and feel his power move, she needed this. I needed this. I had so many unanswered questions. I’m willing to bet you’ve been there too. In fact, you may be in desperate need to see God show up in your life and circumstances today.
[bctt tweet=” Know this, He sees you. Try to trust Him completely and reach out in faith to touch the hem of Jesus.” username=”]
Looking at Luke 8, we see a near-hopeless woman, lost in a sea of people. She reaches out for just one touch. I believe she’s mustered up her last bit of faith that things could ever be different, that life could ever turn around for her. It’s been so long…she’s desperate. Yet, she’s willing to risk it all.
I know how it feels to be in an impossible situation where if God doesn’t step in and change things, you’re going to lose all hope. It’s scary to think there’d be nothing left to believe in. I’ve been there and maybe you have too. There was a day I didn’t believe I could ever change my ways. And, then there was the day I realized I was right. That was a little frightening until I understood though I couldn’t, Jesus could. In our weakness, He is strong.
This one thing I know for sure; on my own, I’d be a disaster.
Fortunately, I’ve learned the transforming power of the Holy Spirit moves us in ways we’d never be able to accomplish on our own. The most exciting thing I have to tell you is you don’t have to do this seemingly impossible thing on your own. In fact, we can’t. Yet, grace upon grace, through Christ, we are made able. In Christ, we are made whole. Through Him, we can be strong for the battle.
When we think we can’t change or we believe our situation will never get better, there’s only one sure bet. There’s only one risk worth taking.
[bctt tweet=”Without any hesitation, we can risk it all on Jesus. He’s worth the risk because He is faithful.” username=””]
Jesus said, “Daughter, you took a risk trusting me, and now you’re healed and whole. Live well, live blessed!”
Luke 8:48 MSG
In desperation, when we touch His hem, He always touches our heart.
What do we do with our questions; what about our why’s and what if’s? Can we withstand the long, dark night of the soul when doubt is hovering and fear grips our heart? Where do we turn? Whom can we trust?
Though tired and weary, exhausted and unsure, we can run, or limp, to the foot of the cross. We can muster up our last bit of faith and cast our cares. In our deepest needs, Jesus meets us there. He’s borne our sins and longs to carry our burdens. Yet, we must leave them at His feet and trust Him with our whole hearts. If we want peace, we have to offer Him the pieces of our hearts. He is our only hope. In our doubting, we’ll find Jesus is the only answer.
Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!
Romans 15:13 TPT
Wait! There’s more to this story.
If you’re out of time, please feel free to stop here; but, if you have a little more time, press on. Do you have just a minute more to hear about something miraculous? Read on, friend.
Immediately after Jesus spoke those LIFE-GIVING words to this desperate woman, there was an unexpected sigh of regret. In all this commotion, there was another in need of His healing touch. Unfortunately, the crowd tells Jesus there’s no longer a need to go. This other girl was too far gone.
The truth is, there’s always another need. After every miracle, there stands another waiting. Thankfully, there’s Jesus.
“When Jesus heard this, He said, ‘Jairus, don’t yield to your fear. Have faith in me and she will live again.’ ”
Luke 8:50 TPT
What great wisdom; Jesus is so dang smart. We can learn to live fearlessly. Let’s trust Him on this one and without yielding to our fears, continue to press in for the miracle we need today.
[bctt tweet=”We can learn to live fearlessly.” username=””]
Beautifully written, Luke’s story continues and so does ours.
There is life because of the cross. We can live the resurrected life of Jesus. We can: Wake up! Rise up! And, Live victoriously!
“Stop crying. She is not dead; she’s just asleep and must be awakened.” Jesus approached the body, took the girl by her hand, and called out with a loud voice, “My sleeping child, awake! Rise up!” Instantly, her spirit returned to her body and she stood up.
Luke 8:48-54 TPT
Jesus is alive. He still heals.
Shout it from the rooftops and continue to believe in the miracle you need because Jesus is a Miracle-Maker. Whatever your situation, I pray you’ll continue to trust Him. When it feels like you are dying on the inside, pray these words.
I am close to death. Give me a new life as you promised.
Psalms 119:25
Lord, we come boldly before Your throne. When needed, we come asking for a miracle. Thank You for the hope of Jesus and the work of the cross. May we live the resurrected life and seek You first in all our ways. Awaken our souls and let us live the new life you gave. Amen.
Wondering what happened to my sister?
We almost lost her, but we didn’t. God met us in those moments. In the midst of our pain, He showed up. She is our Miracle Molly. Interestingly, God continued to show me there was more to this story too. Weeks later, I realized Molly’s diagnosis was a “rare blood disorder” called HLH, she was very literally the woman with the issue of blood.
[bctt tweet=”God knows the details of our lives. I encourage you to trust Him with yours.” username=””]
© Amy Elaine Martinez and AmyElaine.com, 2016-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and AmyElaine.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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Amy, Amy, Amy! Oh how I needed this-this morning, this moment…thank you! I will meditate on these scriptures, hope & trust in Him Who can do exceedingly above all I could ever think or ask! You have really encouraged my heart. ❤️
I love this message Amy of Hope and surrender. It lifted my spirits. God is faithful and never will leave us! Surrender and obedience is key to His Amazing Grace! Thank you sweet friend for sharing God’s Truth! Love you!❤️