Living Fearless, Free, and Loud in the Now
Becoming fearless…is that really a thing? What would you do if you were fearless? Think of three things you’d do right now if you weren’t afraid. What if your biggest fears were gone, money wasn’t an obstacle, and you were free to follow your dreams now?
Becoming fearless is not only possible, it is our right. Like honey, confidence drips from our spiritual identity. In fact, it’s part of our spiritual DNA. That’s why I’m willing to bet your dreams would become bigger and more risky if you started living a fearless life in the now. I’m confident you’d shout for joy if your wildest dreams came true.
The Free and Almighty Stamp of Approval
2 Corinthians 1:20-22 in The Message reminds us all God’s promises are stamped with His approval. Because of Jesus, “Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In Him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God’s Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident. God affirms us, making us a sure thing in Christ, putting his Yes within us. By his Spirit, he has stamped us with his eternal pledge – a sure beginning of what he is destined to complete.” In essence, if God’s put a dream in your heart, it’s already got the free and Almighty stamp of approval on it. We are free to move forward in God-given destiny.
Yet, most of us quietly live in fear and never raise our voices to the enemy of our souls. According to John 10:10, our enemy has come to steal, kill, and destroy. So, we remain quiet because he’s the dream killer, the joy stealer, and the one who comes to destroy all the good God has destined for our lives. But, I promise you there is more than fear; we can live out loud, free, and fearless in the now.
Instead of living quietly in fear, we live loudest when we are fearless.
Fearless footsteps sound like giants in the land when we defy the enemy and step out into the unknown. Honestly, we make waves when we begin to trust and step out into the deeper waters of the now with God.
'The deep water in lIfe is God-space.' Seth Barnes, Radical LivingClick To TweetNaturally, I’m not a risk-taker. I mean, I’m absolutely not an adventurer when it comes to physical feats because I am a fear-filled woman when it comes to heights and pain. But, as a business owner’s wife, I’m willing to risk it all for the bigger payout or advancement of the company. Why, because I trust my husband’s judgment. On the contrary, as the founder of a nonprofit, I’m much less risky because well, you know, it’s other people’s money. Even though I’m torn between an adventuresome spirit and staying in my comfort zone, I know where I want to be with God. In the supernatural, I’m beginning to be an all-out risk-taker. Why, because Holy Spirit’s in the adventure. Jesus is in the unknown. And, I’m finding my God-space in the deeper waters of the now.
Thankfully, in Isaiah 43:2, God says, “When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.”
Truth: Because God is trustworthy, I am free to be fearless.
Listen, I know going deeper with God can be scary business. But, is there an area where God’s been calling you to be fearless? You are not alone. Today, I’ll share a place God’s been calling me out into the deeper waters of life. My God-space, my deeper water, is in finding intimacy with God. Although, we’re designed for intimacy, fear often takes over stopping us just shy of experiencing all God desires for us. When we are fearless, we make room for God to show up.
Living free and fearless in the now is possible!
Maybe you’re asking if you can really deny fear and make a place for God to show up or if you can become fearless too? Absolutely, because all God’s promises are yes and amen.
For years, I desired to go deeper with the Lord, but the fear of what it might look like often held me back. I allowed my pride to interfere with enjoying a deeper relationship with God. At conferences or retreats, I stopped short of complete freedom because I was afraid of what might happen. What would it look like if God really got a hold of me? What would people say? What if I lost control and couldn’t stop the ugly cry? Those are some mighty big and legitimate fears for a control-freak like me.
Maybe, you’ve experienced this same kind of fear.
Unfortunately, I made fear my idol, placing it on an altar and bowing down to it too. In fact, I let fear reign. That’s what the Bible calls idolatry; idolatry is a sin. In the Old Testament, the Israelites continually faced the consequences of worshiping other gods than the One True God of the Bible. It was cyclical; they feigned obedience, only to fail over and over again. Admittedly, I disobey the commandment to “have no other gods before Me” all the time. I start thinking I have this fear thing conquered, only to bow down in fear again when called to the unknown, deeper places with God.
How much does fear cost us anyway? If we were fearless, would we lose our fomo too? The fear of missing out is powerful.
Wouldn’t it be great to quit missing out because of our disobedience? History makes things pretty clear. Looking back, we see how simple it really can be. Obedience reaps blessing and rewards like being free and fearless; disobedience reaps consequences and missing out on the good stuff with God. In reality, it’s not quite so easy to be obedient, say no to fear, and walk in the deep waters of the unknown. But, will we continue to let fear rule the day when God promises us peace? Will we learn to say no to fear and yes to Christ? Will we make some noise in the spirit realm and become fearless and free?
Calling out to God to free us from our fears makes us fearless
In order to go deeper and experience more, we have to say no to fear and yes to freedom. Like Paul in his letter to the Romans, we must become a rebel in our quest for intimacy. My word for the 2019 was REBEL. (click the link to learn just how important it would turn out to be). Starting now, I am claiming Romans 12:12 as my victory cry. I will not conform, I will no longer bow down to fear.
I will be fearless! I will be free! I will passionately pursue intimacy with God. Will you join me?
Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God—what is good and is pleasing to him and is perfect. Romans 12:2 GNT
That right there sets me free!
It makes me happy, even joyful! I can laugh at the enemy and his schemes to kill my dreams, steal my joy, and destroy my destiny because the unknown just became a whole lot less scary. Paul says he’s at the end of his rope in Romans 7:21-23. He says, “parts of me covertly rebel, and just when I least expect they take charge.” He keeps tripping over sin and disobeys. Though he’s tried everything, he ponders if there is anyone who can help him and finds the answer is yes! Jesus can help us. He can and He does. When pulled by the world’s influences to be fearful and stay all bound up in people’s opinions, we simply don’t have to anymore.
Because of Holy Spirit living inside of us, we are free and fearless in the now.
So, let’s make some noise! Right here. Right now. Take your first step to living the victorious life in Christ. Step out, be free, be fearless.
God, I want to go deeper with You. Make me an overcomer. Set me free from all my fears today because I don’t want to miss out on all you have for me. Help me say no to fear and yes to you. According to Philippians 6, I will not worry about anything knowing your peace that passes all understanding will keep constant guard over my heart and mind as I step out into the deep water, the unknown, and make room for God-space in my life in the now. Today, with your help, I will choose Christ over my fears. I will not conform to the world, but be transformed by renewing my mind. Give me a new FEARLESS MENTALITY when it comes to pursuing you. In Jesus’ powerful name, amen.
Please note, this post was first published March 3, 2019 and revised on March 15, 2020 and again on October 21, 2021. Due to the difficult situations in our world today, we wanted to help you deal with your fears and live a more victorious life. Fear is rampant, but God is our redeemer. Trust in His ways, the words “fear not” are mentioned in the Bible more than 300 times; it’s a message God wants us to grasp a hold of in trying times.
God's heart is for us to learn to live unafraid. Drawing near to Him lessens our fear of the world around us. Click To TweetWant to know more about finding intimacy with God? Listen in to this episode from the archives of Real Victory Radio with my special guest, Dr. Brian Simmons of The Passion Translation Bible.
Want to Know More About Becoming a Rebel Hearted Girl in Love with Jesus?
© Amy Elaine Martinez and , 2016-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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