How to Shine Bright on the Darkest Days
Shining bright on the darkest days is possible.
Though we’re living in some awfully dark days right now, this is nothing new for God. He’s been shining His light into the world since time began. Fortunately, because we have the Holy Spirit living inside us, we have everything we need to shine bright on even our darkest days.
During the Christmas season, we talk a lot about ‘spreading cheer for all to hear.’ We sing songs of joy and give gifts to those in need. Yet, we can’t possibly meet everyone’s needs with a tangible present. There’s some level of pain only Jesus can alleviate. He, alone, lights up the soul-weary darkness hovering over the deepest, darkest hours. His presence offers the present needed in the here and now. When we see others drowning in the depths of darkness, John 1:5 in The Voice translation, tells us there’s ‘light that blazes through murky bottoms; it cannot and will not be quenched.’ There is hope.
Emmanuel Shines Brightest on the Darkest of Days
Yes, there is hope because a baby was born; God’s only Son came as Emmanuel, God with us. Hope lives within our hearts enabling us to shine bright. And, when we shine bright on the darkest days, others see Jesus in us. In fact, hope is the greatest gift we can give on any occasion. Hope allows us to see a way out of whatever’s troubling us the most. Unfortunately, it is dark out there in the world, but the good news is we carry the Light of Christ with us.
The Thrill of Hope Shines Bright in God’s Word
The Light of the World Shines Bright on the Darkest Days
In John 8, Jesus calls Himself, the Light of the World. I love how this passage reads in The Message Bible. The late Eugene Peterson, lead translator for The Message, wants us to see how easy it is to miss the big picture. Jesus stood right in front of the religious men of the day and they looked right past Him. They were blinded by their own self-righteousness and couldn’t see the light God sent in His Son.
You’re Missing God in All This
Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.” John 8:12 MSG
Shining bright on the darkest days is easier when we follow Jesus. That’s the second step to help you shine bright in this dark world. Just keep in step with Jesus, following Him instead of the world. No one wants to stumble around in the dark and because of Jesus we don’t have to. In a world where having the most followers is the key to success, following Jesus keeps us on the brighter path.
Shining Bright for All
My favorite part of the Christmas story is when God sends an angel to appear to the shepherds in the field. I imagine, they’re just ordinary men doing the same mundane job they’ve done every day of their whole lives without much hope for the future. But, with one word from God everything changes.
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For more inspiration in your daily prayer life, listen in to my interview with Catherine Bird about her upcoming book, The Art of Amen: A Creative Prayer Experience
For more ways to shine bright for Jesus in your calling, read my most recent blog: Confessions of a Self-Promoting Girl: How to Make Jesus More Famous
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But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! 1 Cor 15:57
© Amy Elaine Martinez and, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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