To the girl who isn’t feeling the love…
To the girl who isn’t feeling the love…
if all you want to do is flip the page on the calendar, I get you!
Here’s my Annual post:
If all you want to do is SKIP VALENTINE’S DAY this year, read my most shared post on Pinterest. (Over 4000x and counting)
Every year, I get messages from women who read this blog and experience a new level of healing by God. Lean into the everlasting arms of God and feel His divine embrace.
“What Does it Mean to Be KEPT BY GOD?” was written from a place of healing in my own life.
God shows up for the broken-hearted and He will meet you in your pain.
When I felt abandoned, skipping Valentine’s Day turned out to be the best soul-care I’ve ever experienced.
I’ve been there and I’ve felt your pain.
Honestly, I can’t fully forget.
I hope this encourages your heart as it did mine when I wrote it. It’s all God; He is the restorer of our souls.
KEPT- defined, means “continue doing or do repeatedly or habitually.”
Sweet girl, no matter what today holds for you, I want you to know you are kept; you are held.
Our standing and status as daughters of the Kingdom doesn’t stop; it’s continual….it’s Eternal.
When our hearts are broken & shattered…when today, hurts like hell and all you want to do is skip Valentine’s Day altogether…I understand. And at the same time, I want to look you straight in he eyes and make sure you know that in this moment, on this excruciating day, you are kept, seen, known, loved, and held by the One who knows the beautiful ending to your pain—to your story. He’s written the most wonderful comeback redemption into your painful now.
Wait for it. Believe for it. “Instead, immense in mercy and with an incredible love, He embraced us (you).” Ephesians 2:4 (emphasis mine) please don’t let one day on the calendar create a hopeless heart in you. Lean in and linger a little longer in His embrace. Let Him catch you as you feel like you are ready to fall. Instead fall to your knees, into His arms and let your healing begin.
This is not the end of your story. Trust me, He proved me wrong over and over again. To God be the glor; great things He hath done! trsut me; you are kept by God. Trust Him; He is faithful.

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