We can fear less by trusting more.

We can fear less by trusting more.

Fear of the Lord isn’t fearing, but revering Him with awe & wonder, adoration & worship.

If you’re looking for some kind of new adventure to alleviate your anxiety, start with God; He brings dead things back to life.

Life can be scary.

Anxiety about what your future holds threatens to overwhelm.

Today, I’m taking “overwhelmed” out of my vocabulary and replacing it with adoration of the One who’s gone before me and offers me a drink from His fountains of life-giving love.

When I take a pause (selah) and drink Him in, anxiety flows out.—no longer a threat to my well-being, now I’m able to live in the overflow, the abundance of ALL God is for me.

It’s a bitter sweet moment of realizing I am not enough nor do I have to be because He is all I need. Today I will: drink deep, fear less, and trust more.

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Amy Elaine
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