How To Change Your Life Verse To Motivate Your Mothering
Motherhood matters, life verses motivate.
Are you struggling, wondering if what you do really matters? Parenting is hard work. Without a doubt, at every stage of mothering, we need some extra motivation. Staying motivated is the difference between giving up and making it to the next nap without an all-out meltdown, yours or the kid’s. When the days get long and there’s no sleep in sight, a life verse provides motivation reminding us that motherhood matters.
Having a go-to life verse inspires us to stay motivated, reminding us that motherhood matters.
Do you have a life verse from the Bible? You know, the one spoken over you as a child, the one you’ve turned to in your troubles or declared about your destiny? Maybe, it’s even your favorite verse? A life verse breathes life into every situation and every circumstance of your life; it’s not only thematic, but a profound covering over your life. And, changing our life verse gives new life to our ever-changing roles, giving us the motivation we need.
Recently, I was asked this question: “So, what is your life verse?” I thought I knew the answer. However, immediately after I replied, I realized my answer had changed. Since the last time I‘d been asked, something had shifted. Instead of being me-centered, my answer was less about me and more about others. What in the world had happened?
My answer’s been the same for the past 20 years, “My life verse is Isaiah 43:18-19…”
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)
Of course, I had it memorized; it was a rote response. Only, it wasn’t anymore. I had a new answer. Yet, I wasn’t even aware of when my heart had changed. Clearly, I had missed it. Oh, God was definitely up to something new. Unbelievably, I hadn’t begun to see it.
When I was a wayward freshman in college at Oklahoma Baptist University, my mother gave me my first life verse. I knew the Lord at the time. However, I was certainly not walking in His ways. Oddly enough, during those years, I clung to this verse. Sadly, it would be years before I truly surrendered my heart and life completely over to the Lord.
At the age of twenty-seven, something happened. It wasn’t until I held my first child that I finally began to see things His way. In August of 1996, I looked at my ten-week old baby boy with complete fear. All at once, the realization of utter responsibility rushed over me. Would this little man in my arms know Jesus? His daddy didn’t. Whoa! What a burden! Most assuredly, this little bundle was more than I could possibly bear alone.
Mumbling three short word, this mess-up girl desperately prayed, “I’m all in.” In that moment, I knew motherhood mattered.
Mumbling three short words, this messed-up girl desperately prayed, “I'm all in.” In that moment, I knew motherhood mattered.Click To TweetHonestly, it was only three little words, but I never looked back. Those long, lifeless years I had wasted living in rebellion, broken, weary, and lost, were now in my past. During that tumultuous time, the only stability in my life came from the prayers of my mother. She was my constant, relentlessly praying for my return to the Lord. Continually, she offered up unanswered prayers on my behalf. Her life verse was most likely:
Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath! Psalm 116:2
Confidently, she knelt while He listened. She was faithful when I was not. God was faithful even while the answer tarried. She remained patient while He patiently worked out the details of my return. Suddenly, it happened.
My heart became child-like when I became a parent.
My heart became child-like when I became a parent. Click To Tweet
Finally, I could see the new thing God had been longing to do in my life. It would take an enormous amount of effort to move out of my past. Feeling unworthy of my new calling into motherhood, I needed help to carry this lovable load. With no less desperation than my mom, I began to pray a little longer prayer than just three words. Over time, my mother’s prayer became my prayer too.
“Teach a (this) child how to follow the right way; so that even when (s)he is old, (s)he will stay on course.”
Proverbs 22:6 (VOICE) *emphases mine
Changing my life verse motivated my mothering.
Amazingly, motherhood had given me the motivation to change my course. Knowing that my sole (and soul) purpose was to raise up this little man in the making to know His Maker became my path. God was proving true to His promise in Isaiah 43. He was making a roadway out of my wilderness. With a newborn in my arms, God held my hand as we walked out of my past and into the newness of life.
As promised, there were refreshing streams ahead. As I dove into His Word, He answered my prayers. He taught me how to teach my little ones just like my mom done. Truly, the key is to think like a child…to become childlike. Yes, even when we’re the parent, humbling ourselves before the Lord and becoming like a child is the most Godly parenting strategy.
Becoming teachable, to be their teacher, is His way.
Becoming teachable, to be their teacher, is His way. Click To Tweet
At that time the disciples came to ask Jesus, “Who is considered to be the greatest in heaven’s kingdom realm?” Jesus called a toddler to his side and said to them, “Learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable, and learn about heaven’s kingdom realm with the wide-eyed wonder of a child, you will never be able to enter in. Whoever continually humbles himself to become like this gentle child is the greatest one in heaven’s kingdom realm.” Matthew 18:1-4 (TPT)
Because motherhood matters; parenting pays off.
Fortunately, God hears; He answers; He redeems. When we are all in, He shows up. He speaks a new word, a now word, a Rhema Word over our lives and there is life. Even when it’s hard and we can’t see the answers to our prayers, we can live the abundant life and have abundant joy. This is how I changed my life verse. In doing so, I was motivated like never before. In that moment, motherhood mattered in a whole new way. No longer was it just changing the diapers or singing the right lullaby, eternal life hung on my commitment. Rather, it was the intentional act of being all in that was key. Suddenly, speaking my life verse over our lives became sacred ground for the motivation I so desperately needed.
How to change your life verse to motivate your mothering
- THINK like a CHILD
- SEE things from God’s PERSPECTIVE
- ASK God to show you what verse will MOTIVATE you most
- SPEAK His TRUTH over your life
- WATCH the things in your life begin to be MADE NEW
Now, what’s my new life verse?
I know no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. 3 John 4 (NIV)
Now, I’m the one praying a life verse for my prodigal to return Home.
Consequently, I am the one who is standing on God’s promises believing that He bends down from heaven to hear and answer my cries. While my mama-heart breaks, the answers tarry. But, I know my God is faithful. Truly, He longs for their return more than I do and that makes the wait more bearable. They are His children. My responsibility is to pray and trust Him with the outcome.
I am passionately in love with God because He listens to me. He hears my prayers and answers them. As long as I live I’ll keep praying to Him, for He stoops down to listen to my heart’s cry (my mama’s heart cry)…So I’ve learned from my experience that God protects the childlike and humble ones. For I was broken and brought low, but He answered me and came to my rescue!
Now I can say to myself and to all: “Relax and rest, be confident and serene, for the Lord rewards fully those who SIMPLY TRUST in Him!” … He’s kept my feet firmly on His path, And strengthened me so that I may please Him and live my life before Him in His life-giving light! Even when it seems I’m surrounded by many liars and my own fears, and though I’m hurting in my suffering and trauma, I still stay faithful to God and I speak words of faith. Psalm 116:1-2, 6-7, 8b-11
(*Emphases mine. Truly worth the time, read this whole Psalm in The Passion Translation)
PRAYER and A Life Verse to Pray Over Your Children:
Father God, I am in awe of your compassion. Most of all, Your Father heart is the most beautiful. Thank You for the new things You are doing in our lives and for life-giving words to speak over our children. According to Isaiah 54:13, “All your children will be taught by the LORD, and your children will have unlimited peace.” Humbly, we ask for this peace over our children’s lives today. Please keep our hearts turned towards You, Lord. Keep our children on the pathway of Life. Give us the joy of knowing our children walk in Truth. Trusting in You, we are all in! We love You! Amen.
Motherhood matters and what’s in our hearts matters too. For more Bible study about Heart Matters click here.
The Rhema Word- A rhema is a verse or portion of Scripture that the Holy Spirit brings to our attention with application to a current situation or need for direction.
© Amy Elaine Martinez and, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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