Why Explanting is Key to Taking Back Your Health

Take back your health in 2020
Freedom for me means taking back my health this year. It’s a fight I’m prepared to win.
I’m hoping my story will help you in your journey to finding the freedom you need.
Explant surgery is a journey and an experience in taking back your health; one I didn’t know how desperately I needed.
I’ve been holding my cards close to my chest…holding something back…playing it safe, but no more.
I’m taking what feels like a huge risk in letting y’all behind the closed doors of my life. It’s a huge risk in so many ways, but one thing I want to say before I say what’s been on my mind: there is absolutely no judgment here. This isn’t based on a religious viewpoint. This is just my life and part of my story… a story I hope will help many find the freedom available to us and set our minds on getting whole, healed, and healthy in every area of our lives. This applies not only to my surgery, but to my life (and yours) as a whole. There’s work to be done and much to be accomplished in this new year. VICTORY is attainable.
However, you need to know a few things before we move on and get healthy.
Sweet girl, here’s a few thoughts I’d like to share with you today:
- sixteen years (insert your own number of years) is a long time to hold onto something that was never meant for you in the first place.
- when something is toxic, it needs to be removed.
- if you aren’t sure if a certain something is hurting you, why not get rid of it especially if it’s disposable…
- when you’ve outgrown something, it’s time to move on.
- if you’re afraid to live without something (besides Jesus) it probably has a hold on you.
- when you’re scared to follow through with something that you know is for your own good… for your own best interest, there’s likely something deeper God wants to heal.
- if every insecurity you’ve ever had is knocking on your door, you better lean in a little harder to guard your heart.
- when every lie you’ve ever dispelled is shouting your name and coming back to haunt you again, it’s time to step away and listen to the Words of the Truth-Teller.
- if all you want to do is run away and hide, please, run to Jesus.
- if you’re scared, you’re not alone… there’s a growing army of women rising up to say, “I’m done.” if you’ve never heard of BII (breast implant illness) it’s real…no, it doesn’t affect all, but it does exist. (insert your obstacle, fear, set-back, etc. here)
- there’s a name for this process; yes there’s a name for beginning the journey of recovery…it’s called EXPLANT. (This applies to so much more than breast implants, girls. There’s a lot that needs to be dug out, cleaned out, and done way with in our lives.)
I’m building something better in 2020 and taking back my health in the process.
Instead of accepting things as they are, I’m asking God to do a new thing in my life. Just as God asked Haggai to help the people better understand their task of rebuilding the temple, I too am under construction. Yes indeed, though not religious, this journey is absolutely a spiritual one.
My WORD for the YEAR? It’s really more of an overarching theme: Life made whole again through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It’s the journey of becoming everything God destined for me to be as I see things more clearly and trust the process of His timing in all things. Every. Single. Thing.
This journey lands me in a new territory clearly marked by FREEDOM, deeply ANCHORED in Hope, and spurred on by a fresh anointing to be FEARLESS.
Yes, these are my cards and I’ve made a decision. I’m taking back my health and returning to the real me…
Undoubtedly, it will appear there’s less of me, but that will prove to be another lie… because there’s so much MORE to me now… THIS GIRL IS READY! Are you?
Today marks one month since my explant surgery; I’ve never been so sure and certain about anything concerning my overall health before in my life.
No, this isn’t just about my physical explant journey, it’s about you too. If you’re longing to be whole, healed, and healthy, you’re in the right place. This year I’ll be writing more frequently here on the blog and spending less time pouring my heart and soul out on social media. I’d love for you to join me here by subscribing to the blog so you never miss a thing. We’re going to cover a lot of ground as we dig into the deep, rich soil of our hearts to uncover the hidden things of God.
How do we begin this EXPLANTING of our hearts?
We begin in the Word because that’s where victory resides. All the authority of heaven is backing up the promises and truths found in God’s Word. So, it’s the perfect place to start. This explanting journey isn’t for the faint of heart. Girls, we must roll up our sleeves, get our hands a little dirty, and stay at it for awhile. In order to dig deep, root out what’s not of God, and get healthy, we must partner with God. It’s a process not a one and done kind of deal; but there is hope.
When we anchor ourselves in Christ, the promise of His strength manifests in our lives helping us to live victoriously.
Take back your health with this promise.
Anchored in this place of stability, we are then able to move beyond our greatest fears. We become fearless in our endeavors. ultimately finding the freedom to take back our health. Yes, our souls soar in unwavering faithfulness. Though it sounds daunting, we hold an irrevocable promise in our hands enabling us to be strong and courageous. His strength empowers us to dig deep and invest in ourselves. For when the body of Christ is strengthened, it strengthens others. In the end, it’s never about us, it’s all about the Kingdom of God.
Hebrews 6:18-20 The Passion Translation (TPT)
So it is impossible for God to lie for we know that his promise and his vow will never change!
And now we have run into his heart to hide ourselves in his faithfulness. This is where we find his strength and comfort, for he empowers us to seize what has already been established ahead of time—an unshakeable hope! We have this certain hope like a strong, unbreakable anchor holding our souls to God himself. Our anchor of hope is fastened to the mercy seat which sits in the heavenly realm beyond the sacred threshold, and where Jesus, our forerunner, has gone in before us. He is now and forever our royal Priest like Melchizedek.
3 John 1:2 is my prayer for you this year.
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.Click To TweetI’m finally free and I can’t wait to share with you the life lessons learned through my explant journey. These things pertain to life and godliness, wholeness and freedom in every area of our lives. Join me here on amyelaine.com to dig deeper into the heart of God and find ourselves in Him.
Photo credits- Jess Henderson Photography
#breastimplantillness #takingbackmyhealth #amyelaineministries #thehealisreal #explantsurgery
Caught up in the Comparison Trap? Listen into this recent episode of Real Victory Radio- Overcoming The Comparison Trap with Amy Elaine and LaTan Roland Murphy
© Amy Elaine Martinez and AmyElaine.com, 2016-2021. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and AmyElaine.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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