Living Unbroken After Divorce | Tracie Miles EP 129 Past to Power
Honestly, life after divorce hurts, doesn’t it?
We know divorce is never easy. Today, on Past to Power with Amy Elaine & LaTan we’re talking to Tracie Miles of Proverbs 31 Ministries. Tracie’s new book is Living Unbroken: Reclaiming Your Heart and Your Life after Divorce.
Tracie Miles shares her Past to Power Story
Tracie Miles has been a part of Proverbs 31 Ministries since 2006 where she’s a contributing writer to Encouragement For Today. These daily devotions reach millions of women around the world everyday with encouragement from God’s Word. Also, Tracie works full time at Proverbs 31 Ministries as the Director of COMPEL Training helping countless women pursue their publishing dreams.
Tracie is a popular best selling author of five books, all of which were birthed out of personal experiences and stories which God has used to bring pain out of purpose. Her writing brings encouragement and hope to women around the world.
Healing after Divorce Takes Time
In a recent article, Tracie wrote, ”Grief is a painful season to endure, regardless of why you are grieving, but it is necessary for the healing process to play out.”
“Grief is itself a medicine.” William Cowper, English poet and hymnodist
Tracie goes onto say, ”It (grief) cleanses our souls from anguish and helps us keep moving through the stages of healing our hearts need. Grief is the process God can use to help us arrive at a place of healing, wholeness and happiness.”
Without a doubt, Tracie shares her Past to Power story with us. Truly, one of the hardest things in this process is to stop trying to hold onto something we need to let go of. However, we know God walks through seasons of grief with us. Tracie shared that part of the grieving process is acceptance which ”opens the door to move forward.”
Divorce doesn’t mean The End
Most importantly, Tracie reminds us that “the end of your marriage isn’t the end of you.”
Finding your identity in moments of crisis can be a turning point where you turn pain into purpose. In this episode, Tracie shares her top 2 things you need to know.
- Love yourself because God does.
- Girl, you’re not crazy
In what feels like the end, there is hope.
Letting go of what can’t be and trusting God with your future is where healing begins. Ultimately, the takeaway from today is how to Reclaim Your Heart and Your Life After Divorce.
And, Living Unbroken is possible.
Past to Power (formerly Real Victory Radio) is here to help you GO COURAGEOUSLY and LIVE VICTORIOUSLY. Your co-hosts, Amy Elaine Martinez and LaTan Roland Murphy want you to know that your past is power in the hands of God. He turns our Past to Power everyday.
Finally, learn more about how you can connect with us to help keep Past to Power on the air by joining The Victory Movement. Donate to Amy Elaine Ministries, our 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. PTP inspires women as listener-supported radio outreach program. Join us on every Saturday at 6 am and 4 pm MST.
Connect with Tracie on her website where you can learn about all of Tracie’s book.
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