The Prayer That Changes Everything
Do you need a breakthrough prayer over your life? I’d be lying if I told you I had one. Regrettably, there’s not one magic prayer that changes everything.
However, the heart behind our prayers is capable of bringing our breakthrough and some mighty big changes with it. When we turn our prayers of “give me, give me, give me” to “You can take it all, God,” something miraculous happens. This one shift sets off a landslide of possibility that truly changes everything.
When I began to pray differently, big changes started happening in my life.
Sadly, my little girl prayers lasted long into adulthood. Honestly, I didn’t know how to pray for the breakthrough I so desperately needed. Not until Miss Betty shared her secret with me did I see big changes begin to take place. Change happened when I began to pray in a way I never had before.
For years I’d been praying and asking God to give me this or that…more of His character, more in my coffers so I could do more for Him, more of what I thought I needed. “More, more, more. Give me, give me, give me.” I cried.
All the while, God kept hinting that what I was asking for wasn’t the more He had in mind for me. And, that’s when I began to hear Psalm 46:10 in my spirit. Softly at first, but it grew louder. Then, louder still until I couldn’t ignore it anymore.
But if big change was what I was after, how in the world could sitting still be the answer?
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
Nothing else had worked; all my activity and repeated prayers for more hadn’t amounted to any real change in my life. Reluctantly, I obeyed. I sat still. Then, my mind went back to Miss Betty’s secret sauce for seeing change. When I met Miss Betty at a women’s retreat almost a decade ago, I honestly didn’t quite get her. She was unlike anyone I’d ever met before, older and wiser, and very peculiar to me. She had something I knew I needed, but I had no idea what in the world it was.
Fortunately, Miss Betty saw what my heart longed for but had no words with which to communicate to her. Lovingly, she wrapped 3 words around the longing in my heart and suddenly the more I longed for was tangible. After the second night’s service, she pulled me aside and told me things only God knew. The prophetic words spoken over me that night lit a passionate fire in me that’s never gone out.
“Amy, God has heard your prayers. He sees your heart. And, He knows exactly what you need. God says, ‘Into Me see, daughter.’ Look into God’s character and you will find the intimacy you’ve been longing for sweet girl…that’s the more you’ve been after.” Miss Betty whispered over me.
God had heard me. He had seen me. He knew me.
All I’d ever wanted was met in her words that flowed like honey over my heart. How could that be? She didn’t know me, but she was open to hearing God’s voice for a hungry girl who didn’t know what she was starving for in this life.
At that time, I was just beginning to understand the Spirit-filled things at work in my life. As a Southern Baptist girl, I wasn’t accustomed to prophetic words and such. But, her kind words made feel comfortable, like I was being welcomed home.
Later, I would learn to trust God speaking to me through others. More importantly, this experience gave me the confidence I needed to hear His voice for myself and others too. If you’re unfamiliar with the prophetic voice of God, I understand. I get you! For the record, it’s biblical. God has been speaking His heart for His people through the prophetic for a very long time. (…just read your Old Testament where there are plenty of prophetic words of God for us). While it may not be a right now word(save it for later), know that prophetic words are never a magic foretelling of your future(that’s not biblical). Yet, hearing God’s heart over your situation is part of our inheritance as His children.
“Be not satisfied until you are conformed unto his image…Aspire to the utmost God can give…The highest privileges of the covenant of grace are not the monopoly of advanced saints, they are the common property of all believers…If you are a saint (i.e. a believer) why not take a saint’s inheritance.” ~C. H. Spurgeon, Taking Possession of Our Inheritance, from
So what is the prayer that changes everything?
Ultimately, the prayer that changes things is the prayer that doesn’t ask for anything, but submits everything to God. When we relinquish our “give me” prayers for a “take it all, Lord,” kind of prayer, change happens. Breakthrough bursts forth. Finally, God has a prayer He can work with to help us get the abundant life He longs to give us.
A thief has only one thing in mind~ he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect~ life in its fullness until you overflow! John 10:10 TPT
Fall is in full swing. The time change occurs soon. Renewal is upon us.
Are you ready for the changes? If you are pray with me.
PRAYER: Lord, just as the seasons change revealing our need for renewal, I give you my all. Instead of asking for anything, I’m saying, “Take everything; it’s all Yours anyway.” Help me be still and better understand that You are God and I am not. I trust You know what I need and I submit my will to Yours. Amen.
I’ve taken the month of October off to pray like never before for our country and leaders. Frankly, it’s changing me. A social media fast has left me hungrier for God things, not just the good things. I highly recommend it. Actually, I’m extending mine for a little while longer. I’ll still be here writing away, but I’m enjoying the freedom of extra time and spending it more wisely than before. I’ve been reading an ARC of Wendy Speake’s timely and amazing 40 Day Social Media Fast. (use link to learn more or pre-order. A BIG THANK YOU to my friends at Baker Books for the copy they so generously mailed me. )
And, to learn more about The Lord’s Prayer, here’s a little something from the Real Victory Radio archives.
© Amy Elaine Martinez and, 2016-2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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