How to Revive Your Rebel Hearted Girl & Why
Dear Rebel-Hearted Girl,
It’s time to wake up sweet, rebel-hearted girl. You may not know it, but you are needed in this world. And, even more so, the Kingdom needs you. You were made to do big things, whether small or grandiose; what you do matters and it’s huge in God’s eyes. I’ve had this post on my heart for months now…about 7 months and 12 days in fact. Yet, here we are. Over half our year is gone and still no post. My tendency is to wait like Jeremiah until a word is burning inside me and I can no longer hold it in. And, when this rebel-heart cannot contain itself any longer, the words scribble across the page.
And, I can’t quit! For if I say I’ll never again mention the Lord- never more speak his name- then his word in my heart is like fire that burns in my bones, and I can’t hold it in any longer. Jeremiah 20:9
Today, my thoughts wander toward Romans 12:1-2. From memory…
Do not conform to the image of this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind and then you’ll be able to prove the will of God ~ the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.
Rebel 101: The how-to behind Romans 12
Honestly, I have no idea what translation that is…probably a mix of a few. Sadly, I tend to forget the beginning part of those verses. Somehow, verse one eludes me. But, in it lies the answer, the how-to, the power behind the why and how we make verse two a reality in our lives. Can we really be all in with God? Are we willing to lay it all down and let him have his way? Because if we will, he will meet us there. In the everyday, mundane places of life, he will make himself known to us in subtle, yet mighty big ways. Our part, surrender.
Yes, for the rebel-hearted girl, surrender is the key that sets us free.
Total Reformation of How you Think
Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship.
Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think. This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes. Romans 12:1-2 (TPT)
What’s this rebel fighting’ for?
I’m writing to answer the cry of my heart and maybe yours too. What do we do when we’ve lost our luster, become disenchanted or disheartened, when we can’t remember what we’re fighting for in this life. How can we revive our once on-fire hearts and get back in the fight. What is it this rebel is fighting for anyway? Have you been there? I have. This struggle leaves us stuck in a never-ending cycle of ambiguity with little to no light to guide our way. The darkness seems to prevail, but there’s definitely a way out and back into the light.
Truth is, we are different because our citizenship is in heaven. (Philippians 3:20) In our crazy, wayward world, fitting in frustrates us. It’s easy to believe we’re not making any difference at all. Blending in requires little; not making any waves, stopping short of being who we were really meant to be remains the path of least resistance. Yet, embracing this rebellion fulfills our quest to be a light, a city on a hill that can’t be hidden. (Matthew 5:14) Therefore, we need to get to the hill don’t we?
Mountain Tops & Hill Tops: Where we meet God
To revive our rebel hearts, we have to get to the Mountain of God. Yes, sweet one, I can hear you asking me, “And, just where is the mountain of God?” Our mountains quake. The earth shakes in the places of our greatest sacrifices. The places where we meet God unearth the true rebel within. Much like Abraham, we take the things we love most in this world and lay them on the altar. God made the ultimate sacrifice for us when Jesus went to the cross. In doing so, he made a way for us to make it to the mountain too.
[bctt tweet=”In what seems to be counterintuitive, revival comes when we surrender. Instead of being a slave to having our own way, surrender is the only way to be free. So, get yourself to the mountain girl! It is classic Rebel 101.” username=”amyelainewrites”]
First Things First: Becoming a Rebel
What we’re really after is a revolution and the way to get there is to first become a rebel. What’s the difference between a revolution and a rebellion? Some would say, a revolution is a successful rebellion. If we want to make a difference in this world, we must revive our rebel hearts and wake up to what God wants to do in and through us.
There’s a fine line between being a rebel and true rebellion.
Rebellion gets a bad rap. Truly, it’s a matter of the heart. It’s a mindset and way of life. When our hearts align with the things of God, our behavior and belief system follow closely behind. What starts as a decision becomes a lifestyle. We cannot just hear and never act on what we’ve heard.
I would rather be a rebel than a slave. ~ Emmeline Pankhurst
So in conclusion, this is my vow: The rebel inside me will never die. I surrender my way for his. Refusing to be held hostage by this world, I embrace the freedom of rebellion in the most beautiful way I know how. May I never conform to this world, but ever and only to Jesus.
Make your honest confession before the Lord. Lean in to the sweet surrender. Freedom awaits those who answer to the greater call. And, sweet friend, eternity is calling your name. If you dare, say it will me, “The rebel inside me will never die.”
MINI-BLOGS: Keys to Living a More Victorious Life
Join me this week for a series of mini-blogs on my Facebook and Instagram ministry feeds. We’re talking about the keys to living a more victorious life. If you haven’t already, please like my ministry pages/feeds; this helps you never miss a thing and helps my book proposal look even better. Why? Because…publishers are looking to see if y’all are already reading what I’m writing now in order to see if you’ll be reading it when I have a book on the shelf too! It’s simple math…if math is ever simple. 😉
This struggle is real, but so is God. Listen to this interview with Misty Phillip for more on how to struggle well. And, did you know Real Victory Radio has a new Co-host? Find out more here.
© Amy Elaine Martinez and, 2019-2022. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner are strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Amy Elaine Martinez and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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I love the idea of being a rebel for God! This had so many great truths and encouragement for how to “meet our God on the mountain.” Thanks for sharing, Sister. 🙂
It sounds a little weird to choose ‘rebel’ for your word for the year, but it also felt a little rebellious to not listen to his voice. So, I went with it! He meets us there on our mountains! Thanks for reading and your words too!