Redemption from The Sticky Place —Guest Appearance with Carrie O’Toole
Redemption and Renewal: themes we never get tired of celebrating
Have you ever listened to yourself talk and thought, “Is that really me saying those things?” I believe redemption is a theme people never grow tired of celebrating!
The Right Questions to Help Celebrate Redemption
Honestly, I never dreamed God would take this messed-up, broken-down wife and make her whole again. Amazingly, Carrie O’Toole asked just the right questions. Using her counseling expertise, she drew out of me the deepest parts of my story of redemption and renewal.
As I listened to this interview on a recent road trip, my heart stirred with joy. I thought, maybe we should have called this commute the ‘The Road to Renewal.’
Redemption Releases Us to Move On
Truthfully, when we finally let go of our baggage and step into our truest identity, freedom begins. While healing is never easy, it is attainable. Fortunately, the road to redemption helps us find the greatest healing in this life.
Healing old wounds gets us out of our stickiest situations.
In the end, healing enables us to move forward.
Interestingly, one of my favorite lines from the interview identifies the Sticky Place. I felt stuck for a long time in my sticky place. Fortunately, God made a way out!
My Favorite Quote
“Let’s call it the ‘sticky-place.’ You know, a place you do NOT want to get stuck!”
Do you want to know more about overcoming fear and living out loud in the here and now? Definitely, go check out this post. Living Fearless and Free
About Carrie O’Toole
Carrie graduated from Liberty University with a M. A. in Human Services, specializing in Marriage and Family Therapy. She earned her credentials as a Board Certified Life Coach and Attachment-Based Intervention Specialist through The American Association of Christian Counselors. Additionally, she is certified as a crisis responder. She also holds credentialing in Grief Following Trauma, and Spiritual and Psychological First Aid.
Most importantly, Carrie helps parents through their own grief and trauma resulting from parenting traumatized children. Carrie walks through these difficult decisions, and the emotions that follow, with her clients.
Connect with Carrie at her website

About Me
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