Taking the Risk to Live Out Your Dreams – Dreaming BIG with God!
Walking in our full God-given destiny requires us to be risk-takers and claim-stakers!
Has God put a dream on your heart or a vision in your mind that feels too big? Are you longing to find your purpose and walk in your destiny? Though stepping out is scary, we’re promised the risk will be worth the reward. With God on our side, living out our dreams becomes our reality.
Staking our claim in the Kingdom is hard work, but God promises our troubles today will become territories of triumph tomorrow.
Listen, whether you believe it or not, God has a plan and a purpose for your life.
There’s some land with your name on it. Putting all fear aside, grab your boots and march confidently onto the battlefield of Life. It’s time to take back what’s yours! Take the risk! Stake your claim!
Dream big with God and just see where He takes you.
Taking the Risk to Live Out Your Dreams – Dreaming BIG with God!
“Look from the place where thou art, northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward: for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it.”
(Gen. 13:14-15)
God has given each one of us a territory, a sphere of influence, a field of favor. What does that look like? It’s our land in the spiritual realm. It’s the place He’s marked off for us to make a difference in the Kingdom. He’s even written our name on it. It’s ours. It’s part of our inheritance. But, are we willing to take the risk and stake our claim?
[bctt tweet=”If we want to walk in all that God has planned for us, we’ll likely have to fight the enemy for it.” username=”]
The land is ours and the victory is too! When God puts a dream in our heart and a vision before us to advance His Kingdom, we can be sure He goes before us and fights our battles to make certain it happens.
No instinct can be put in you by the Holy Ghost but He purposes to fulfill. Let your faith then rise and soar away and CLAIM ALL THE LAND you can discover. ~ S.A. Keen
All that you can apprehend in the vision of faith is your own. Look as far as you can, for it is all yours. All that you long to be as a Christian, all that you long to do for God, are within the possibilities of faith.
Then come, still closer, and with your Bible before you, and your soul open to all the influences of the Spirit, let your whole receive the baptism of His presence; and as He opens your understanding to see all His fulness, believe He has it all for you. Accept for yourself all the promises of His Word, all the desires He awakens with you, all the possibilities of what you may be as a follower of Jesus. ALL THE LAND YOU SEE IS GIVEN TO YOU.
The actual provisions of His grace come from your inner vision. He who breathes into our hearts the heavenly hope, will not deceive or fail us when we press forward to its realization.
~Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman, Streams in the Desert.
Sometimes God
Sometimes God allows us to see things in the natural before He reveals the deeper spiritual revelation in the supernatural. God did this for me when He first started showing me the principles of what it means to become a Victory Girl. Long before I ever realized these words would become an actual book, He spoke the message of “TAKE THE LAND!” upon my heart.
[bctt tweet=”Our destiny, our inheritance, and our land belong to us and the battle to stake our claim in the Kingdom is real.” username=”]
Knowing how to become a WARRIOR OF VICTORY is essential to staking and keeping our land. The warfare surrounding our quest reveals that is indeed part of our inheritance.
The enemy doesn’t want us to have all Christ died to give us. God wants us to “Take the Land.” It’s ours; we have a right to it. Yet, it’s our responsibility to walk out each step of our territory, claim it as our own, rout out the enemy, and establish our residence there. Often this requires a new level of confidence or God-fidence. Knowing God’s got our back gives us the courage to take our first step.
I want to see you living in victory and walking in wholeness.
I want to see you walking in your full God-given destiny as a Victory Girl, a claim-staker, and a risk-taker in the Kingdom and for the Kingdom!
[bctt tweet=”Victory Girl, put your marching boots on and let’s head out for a new frontier.” username=”]
Our land is ready and waiting for us to come and stake our claim in the Kingdom. The first step is the hardest, but God’s right there beside you. If He’s put a dream in your heart, take the risk and step out into all that He’s called you to do. Remember, we were never meant to fight alone; gather your tribe, and get your brave on!
For the Lord is bringing you into a Good Land…where you will lack nothing…there you will eat and be satisfied and bless the Lord your God for the Good Land He has given you. Make sure to love the Lord your God, walk in all His ways, and remain faithful to Him.
Deuteronomy 8:6-10 (NIV, paraphrased)
[bctt tweet=”Put your foot down. Become a claim-staker and kick the enemy off your turf!” username=”]
Be vigilant.
Make no mistake, he’s messing with a daughter of the King and the King’s got your back! Let the enemy know you know exactly who you are in Christ. Use the Victory Girl’s Battle Plan and watch your enemies scatter!
The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.
Deuteronomy 28:7 (NIV)
Thank you, Lord, for my Good Land! Help me to walk out every bit of territory You’ve set aside for me. Make me ready to stake my claim in the Kingdom. I want every bit of my inheritance and I want to walk in my full destiny with You. Teach me how to not only take the land but to keep it! May I keep praising You every step of the way. I want to dream big with You. Help me take the first step onto my land and all that You have planned for me. Make me brave, Lord. Make me Your Victory Girl!
From Becoming a Victory Girl: Staking Your Claim in The Kingdom ( available here: https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Victory-Girl-Staking-Kingdom/dp/1975740297 )
© 2017 Amy Elaine Martinez *all rights reserved
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“If we want to walk in all that God has called us to be , we will have to face and fight the enemy “. This line is so true !
Claiming my inheritance:)