Why You Don’t Have to Know it All When You’re Anchored
You don’t have to know it all when you’re anchored in Christ. Thankfully, navigating the deeper waters in this life isn’t so scary when your soul is anchored. Diving into the deep and leaving the “shore” thing for the unknown becomes less risky as we realize God’s steering the boat. And, Hebrews 6:19 reminds us…
Read More What Happens When You Loose The Liar Within?
Let's talk about loosing the liar within. Permission granted! God gave us the authority over our enemy so let's use it. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of the enemy getting an upper hand in my thought life. Really, aren't you? I'm completely over it! Done! Finished! If you are too, read on sister! What happens when we loose the liar within and start believing God's truth as authority in our lives.
Read More What Does It Mean to Be Kept by God?
What does it mean to be kept by God? It means we are reserved, set apart, taken...spoken for, saved, and held. When we’re kept, we’re provided for by His everlasting love. In fact, we’re the apple of His eye and He’s always watching out for us. Even if you'd rather just skip Valentine's Day altogether this year, you can lean in to the arms of God and feel His divine embrace.
Read More Creating Solidarity with God in the Sacred Space of Life
Being intentional about our time with God takes discipline and requires us to steal away like Jesus did in the wilderness or surrounding hills.
Read More 7 Powerful Scriptures to Combat Anger with God
What should I do with this smoking time bomb of anger?
It’s easy to get angry with God when we're living a life we didn't plan and would never choose. He’s the chap that put black holes in the cosmos (why, I have no idea) and those little luminous creatures at the bottom of the oceans (again, I’ve no idea why). He’s the guy who parted the Red Sea and healed the blind and crippled.
Why can’t He heal me?
Read More How to Experience Extravagant Love in the Everyday
You see for God, gift-giving isn't a seasonal thing. It's Who He is. He's the ultimate Gift-Giver. I love that about the Lord; it doesn't need to be a special occasion, Christmastime, or even our birthday for Him to lavish us with extravagant gifts. It's truly an everyday occurrence. He is so good and so sweet. He's the best gift-giver.
Read More The Simple Gift of Gathering: Grace and God as Emmanuel
Gathering with friends gives us the gift of grace and God’s presence. In my opinion, times of fellowship and gathering around the table are truly priceless. I love a good dinner party don’t you? However, I love great conversation even more than a gourmet meal. And, if 2020 has taught me anything, it’s the gift…
Read More Leaving Behind Fear and Insecurity with Guest LaTan Roland Murphy
http://amyelaine.com | This morning I listened to this interview with Latan Roland Murphy on Real Victory Radio, I was reminded afresh how much I adore this woman’s heart! She is bold and courageous and wise! Y’all, she’s the real deal and you know how much I love authenticity. I know you’ll enjoy hearing about how…
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