Hope in the Hard Things of Life with Guest Amber Newberry
http://amyelaine.com | Today’s Real Victory Radio is so very important to me. I’d love it if you’d listen in to my interview with Amber Newberry of Beautiful & Beloved because I know you’ll be moved by her story. You might share this with someone who needs to hear it too.
My absolute FAVORITE QUOTE from our interview:
“I ran real hard down a broken road.” ? Me too!
Save the Storks is such an important organization; I love what they are doing in our world today. It matters!
“64% of women who chose to abort said they felt pressured by others to do it.” (from the Save the Storks website www.savethestorks.com)
Really, there’s no “choice” when you’re pressured into something. While this isn’t part of my story, I can absolutely identify with being pressured into something when I wanted to say, “No!” Can you?
Through their efforts and free ultrasounds revealing the life within a pregnant woman, Save the Storks is “making the option of life impossible to ignore. Once women see their ultrasound and hear the heartbeat they understand the reality of their decision. One picture changes everything.” (from their website)
My favorite part of this organization is that EVEN IF a woman chooses to move forward with her decision to abort, Save the Storks is STILL THERE FOR THEM! They don’t walk away because they know these women will need possibly even more support afterwards. This is love in action. I love the story of the Woman at the Well- Jesus doesn’t condemn her, He speaks the truth in love and invites her into a relationship with Him without ever asking her to change…why? Because He knows only a heart change will change her behavior. Amber had a RADICAL ENCOUNTER with JESUS and it changed her life! Listen in and hear her story! It’s a beautiful one!
If you know someone who needs to hear this story, they can tune in tomorrow at 6 am or 4 pm on 94.7 FM TheWord (?you can livestream from your phone or computer from anywhere)
Real Victory Radio is a listener-supported ministry program of Amy Elaine Ministries, please check out our website to learn more about becoming a partner and joining The Victory Movement. Details at http://amyelaine.com
About My Guest
Amber began Beautiful & Beloved in 2013 as an online boutique meant to serve survivors of human trafficking by bringing both awareness to the issue and to sell the goods handcrafted by these survivors. Since 2013, lots has changed for Amber and Beautiful & Beloved, but one principle remains the same:. the desire and need to speak life and love into women who are survivors of trauma.
Amber experienced a rapid and terrifying decline in her health in 2015. She was diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases and struggled to make it through every day. Her discovery of Holy Yoga led to Amber understanding that the disease in her body was a direct result of the trauma and stress in her life. By using yoga, essential oils, talk therapy, healing prayer, and meditation, Amber found healing for not only her body but her spirit and mind as well. Now, Amber has dedicated her life to helping other women find healing.

About Me
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